introduction 1:


The course has been designed and produced by sufferers of anxiety and panic attacks and fear based problems .This will enable the support groups to understand what the sufferers needs are rather than offering help that can be disruptive to the sufferers recovery programme .

It will be important that the support groups are aware  for there to be any degree of success the sufferers will need to have an input to setting what will be agreed goals.( without pressure )

As will be seen there is a section dealing with excercise and diet yet again somebody who has had to deal with anxiety and panic has developed a programme that will be helpful to the sufferers from the sufferers point of view . 

As in this case we are bringing the training and awareness course to Church support groups we have included the first five parts of the course to bring to the attention of Christians what is helpful and what can be harmful to the recovery of the sufferers .

below on the left you will see three links that will show the pamphlet and declaration of intent for Church Support groups .

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